Monday, January 19, 2009

Not me Monday... take 2!!

So it's here again. Monday. What can we do to make this day bearable you ask?? Well here's a great idea, why not participate in Mckmama's not me Monday fun!!!

I did not come home from my Weight Watchers meeting last Monday evening to grab a handful of M&M's thinking, Better luck next week. Nope, not me, that would be self sabotage and I am above that since I am 7 months in to this WW thing.

I was not super thankful that my sister was the first to discover her daughters first tooth on Wednesday night after i had spent the whole day with her and hadn't even thought to check. Which I do not do daily since I babysit her, I would not stick my fingers in that beautiful babys mouth searching for toofies!

I did not make my children stay in the house all day on Saturday, and even go so far as to close the blinds so that they would not see their friends out there and ask to go out.
I did not do this because I was sick and just didn't want to lay on the chair and drown in my own sorrow and yuckiness. I'm the mom, i don't get sick.

I did not drive in a mini blizzard yesterday just to keep my spa appointment for a facial and a eyebrow waxing. That would be silly and a little dangerous.
Said Spa treatments did not feel so good that I contemplated adding more on and calling home to say I was stuck there because of the snow. That would be wrong to even consider.

I did not wake up on the couch this morning because Keith most certainly was not snoring loud enough to wake the dead last night. And when I didn't wake up on the couch i did not descover that I was relapsing from the same cold I dealt with on Saturday. Nope, not me, I feel great.

I did not consider calling the kids private school/daycare to ask if I could bring them in for a couple of hours today afterall, even though I did not sign them up to be there today. I am not thankful that they are proving me wrong and being very good today.

That must be all for today... I shall be back next week with a whole new list of things I most certainly did not do!!!!

Happy Monday!!!!!


Randi said...

Oooo! The spa thing sounds really nice right now. :)

Abbie said...

I agree, why don't moms get sick days? Thanks for sharing!