Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to "Not Me Monday" This blog carnival was created by Mckmama. Head right on over to her blog to see what she, and everyone else have not been doing this week!

As for me, here is what I have NOT been up to this week.

Firstly, I did not choose to keep my kids home from childcare last week because there was no school so they didn't need to go.
Then on that same note, I most certainly did not buy my children Happy Meals from Mcdonalds for lunch two days in a row because we were out running errands and I did not lose track of time until the three year old didn't claim to be hungry. That would be very Unmommy like of me.

I did not completely love seeing my children during their swimming lessons that I am not usually able to attend. I am not super proud of how well they are doing in the water, especially my 6 year old who would NEVER put her face in the water. (But she does!)

I did not fall down the stairs at my parents house Friday night as I was leaving. That would be super embarrassing, even though it was really snowy and I was essentially wearing slippers. My Cell phone did not then spend the night in the snow at their house because I did not drop it when I didn't fall.

I did not almost Cry when I discovered my cell phone missing. I definitely did not spend a good 45 minutes sending texts to Keith from the computer trying to locate it. And I was not super thankful that although I had neglected the poor Celly, it still worked after thawing in front of the parents wood stove.

I did not have two birthday parties to attend on Saturday back-to-back, and I most certainly did not assume that at least one of them would have more than cake and ice cream so therefore i did not feed my babies lunch before we went. My children did not eat just cake and Ice cream for lunch. (Especially after the two days of Mcdonalds)

I did not save $60 on 6 toys by hitting up a sale that a friend told me about. I most certainly did not allow each of my children to choose something, and i did not buy two toys that I have no idea who to give them too just because they were 80% off. I am not proud of myself for hitting two super awesome sales in as many weeks.

And lastly, I did not take my children Tubing down huge mountain type hills at speeds of 35mph or more on nothing but a rubber tube. My children did not absolutely love this and my 3 year old did not repeatedly say it was, "Awesome" and "Super cool."
Nope, Not me.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Not me Monday...

Not me Monday is a way for us to get off our chests all the things we did, but couldn't really admit to... So go on over to McMama's blog to check out her Not me's, and follow the links to a bunch of others, and if you haven't already, join in with your own batch!!! It's fun and Harmless!

Hmmm.... let's see what I didn't do this week.

Let's start with the biggest thing i didn't do this week, I most certainly did not wake up in so much pain, twice, that my loving husband to be insist I go to the hospital. I did not then undergo a CT scan of my lower body to try to diagnose the pain, only to be told I had most likely pulled a muscle in the kidney region. I did not "forget" to tell the DR that i had just this week begun working out on my Wii fit. Um, nope, not me.

Let's get back to the Wii, I did not convince hubby to be that we should just go ahead and buy one as a "Family Valentines gift..." and then toss in the fit at the last minute. He did not just look up at me with a loving little smile, while acknowledging that he knew what i had done.

I do not love my wii and wii fit. Nope, I don't think of getting home to use it, that's ridiculous. It is a workout people, and workouts, they are not fun.

I did not wrap my almost four year old son in a blanket and then pry his eyes open in order to get some drops in there to clear up the pink eye that he most certainly does not have. Nope, that would be torture for both of us, and it would not make me cry that I had traumatized him.

I have not discovered how wonderful my little George Foreman grill is for making Chicken to put atop a garden salad. I definately didn't JUST discover this, as I have had this GF Grill for about 8 years. Of course I have cooked more than hamburgers or hotdogs on it. Of course

and lastly, but most certainly not the least exciting...
I did not go into a greeting card store today for one card for my sweet future Husband for VDay, and walk out with 8 cards, a Webkinz lip gloss, and four new webkinz all for the fabulously low price of $22. 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nope, not me.