Friday, April 27, 2007


I am going to try to write here more often. I think it will do me good to have a place that not alot of my friends and family know of to be able to vent my feelings and thoughts without judgment. Not alot of people read my Myspace, but their are some who do that I would not like to read some of what I write. So that is what I will use this site for, it will be my journal, my diary, my outlet if you will. I hope that it will help me to refrain from sinking further into this depression that I often times feel. Maybe I will share it with some... maybe I will not. I guess that will come in time, as of now, this is just for me and no one else. As a kid and young adult I always kept a journal, it kept me sane, why did i stop that? Maybe because it was easier to get on the computer and type than to pick up a pen and write it out. So here I can keep a journal while brushing up on my typing skills! Killing two birds with one stone!